
Introduction to members
A warm welcome to Stowmarket Table Tennis Club
We are registered as a Premier Club by Table Tennis England. Our club promotes the sport of table tennis for all ages and abilities, so we are always pleased to meet new or visiting players.
Our wide membership includes players between the ages of 8 and 80. Some join to improve their general fitness and skills, some love the social aspects of membership in our friendly environment.
For new adult players or those returning to the sport and seeking more of a challenge, we have several teams competing in the local leagues. We also provide the opportunity for adult coaching on a regular basis.
For younger players our qualified coaches provide weekly training through most of the school year. These boys and girls are encouraged to play in local competitions and some have gone on to be county champions and to compete at national level.
You can find lots of information about the club and how we are run on this website. If you are interested in coming along, please get in touch to confirm which would be the most appropriate session. All first sessions are free, so come and give us a try.
Richard Stokes
As a family club it is important that the conduct of all members is conducive to an enjoyable atmosphere for everyone.
The Policies and Codes of Conduct that the Club has adopted are as follows:
Code of Practice for League Play
Annual Membership Fees
Playing fees are £1 less per session for members than for non-members so, if you an an adult and aim to attend at least 14 times in a year, it is worth becoming a member. You must be a member to take part in competition and other club activities.
Annual Fees from 1st Sept. 2023
Family (All juniors) £25
Family (Max 2 adults) £35
Junior Players & Over 60s £12
Adults £15
Match fees for league players £4.50 per match played
TTE Membership
It is a requirement as members of a club affiliated to the Table Tennis England (TTE) that you are registered with them and, if you have done this in the past, you should have heard from them on how to do this.
Players who play competitively have to pay a fee but most of our membership are what is called Club Players and there is no TTE fee to be paid for this year.
TTE Fees
Club Play only – Free
Compete Membership
U19s – £11 per annum
Adults – £22 per annum
For those who are not online, or lack the confidence to do it, Tony Mooney has made arrangements to submit a spreadsheet with the details required which TTE will then input for us. Let him know if you want him to do that (email address on membership form).
As a reminder here is the link to register with TTE:
For new members:
For renewals for existing members:
Our membership year commences on 1st September each year so this is due soon.
Payment online is the preferred method (again, details are on the form); however, you can pay by cheque or cash if you wish.
You can fill in the online membership form for the 2024-25 season below, or download the application form from the buttons at the bottom.
Why you need to complete a form every year
Some members have asked whether they need to complete a form every year if the details have not changed. There are two reasons for asking you to do this.
- The most important is that we are required under the law to get your agreement to retaining information on you and making that available to those who run sessions in the event of anything happening to you when playing. By law we have to obtain this agreement from you at least once a year and the form has a section that covers this – it is under Data Protection.
- The other reason for requiring a fresh form is that experience has shown that people sometimes think we have the most up to date information when in fact something has changed like say the phone number of a contact which we might need in an emergency.
Online Membership Form
Downloadable forms
Clicking the blue button on the left automatically downloads a docx (Word) file.
Clicking the green button on the right will open the pdf in a new window where you can download using your browser’s ‘Save’ function.
You can also pick up a hard copy at a practice session.
Completed forms can either be posted, or scanned and emailed to Tony Mooney at the addresses shown on the form, or handed to the session leader at a practice session.
Membership Forms
You now have the option either to download the membership application form for the 2024-25 season as Word or PDF, or you can fill in the online form.
Our membership year commences on 1st September each year so this is due soon.
Payment online is the preferred method (details are on the form); however, you can pay by cheque or cash if you wish.
Why you need to complete a form every year
Some members have asked whether they need to complete a form every year if the details have not changed. There are two reasons for asking you to do this.
- The most important is that we are required under the law to get your agreement to retaining information on you and making that available to those who run sessions in the event of anything happening to you when playing. By law we have to obtain this agreement from you at least once a year and the form has a section that covers this – it is under Data Protection.
- The other reason for requiring a fresh form is that experience has shown that people sometimes think we have the most up to date information when in fact something has changed like say the phone number of a contact which we might need in an emergency.
Please select the appropriate choice below.
Downloadable forms
Downloadable forms
Clicking the blue button on the left automatically downloads a docx (Word) file.
Clicking the green button on the right will open the pdf in a new window where you can download using your browser’s ‘Save’ function.
You can also pick up a hard copy at a practice session.
Completed forms can either be posted, or scanned and emailed to Tony Mooney at the addresses shown on the form, or handed to the session leader at a practice session.
Online Form
Online form
Please answer the questions below as appropriate and click the Send button at the bottom. Fields with an asterisk* are compulsory and the form will not send if left blank.